Thursday, July 19, 2007

Little Info Blast

Hey whats going on ? Just a quick update on what we're doing. We are cranking in full gear trying to get all the assignments done tonight we actually went around town and picked up a few samurai swords for project #47 we chose the ending scene of Kill Bill Volume I. So me and nigel are going to head down to the arboretum tomorrow and get a little sword fighting action. We're just working very hard because we have a goal set to be done with all the projects by the end of July which is proving harder than anticipated do to the fact that half the family works and i'm at crew for half of the day every day. But hopefully we'll be DONE AND DONE by the 31st and everything will be just peachy



Keenan said...

This is the most wonderful thing I've ever heard! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Well thank you Keenan thats very nice to get some encouragement once in a while I really appreciate it.